How many guests can La Casa Pasta accommodate?
La Casa Pasta offers accommodations for 15-100 guests depending on the room location and time of year of your event.
How many different dining areas are there at La Casa Pasta? Are they private?
The restaurant contains over four different dining areas, both private and semi-private, depending on the nature of your special occasion.
Is there a private rental room charge?
There is no private room rental charge. However, food and beverage minimums will apply.
Can you customize any package?
Any package can be customized to your budget and needs. If you have guests with special dietary restrictions, we can also prepare specialized meals for them.
How far are you from Newark and the University of Delaware?
La Casa Pasta is within five miles from downtown Newark and the University of Delaware.
Is there a private room rental charge?
There is no private room rental charge. However, food and beverage minimums will apply.
Do you handle flowers and entertainment?
We work with many great vendors and would be happy to coordinate these details. Click here to see our list of preferred vendors.
What Audio/Visual capabilities do you have?
We have a complete selection of audio-visual aids and equipment is available for an additional fee. Advance notice is necessary.
How much notice do you need about the number of guests at my event?
A guaranteed number of guests is requested seven business days before your event.
Do I need to give a deposit for parties?
A credit card number or deposit is necessary to secure your reservation. The minimum amount for which you will be charged is determined by your guaranteed number.
What is the dress code for La Casa Pasta?
Dress code is upscale casual in our Main Dining Room.
Are discounts available?
Discounts are available depending on the time of year and group or organization.
Can I bring my own cake to an event?
Yes, you can, but there is a cake-cutting fee of $1 per guest or a maximum of $25.
Can I customize a package to my budget and dietary restrictions?
Yes, of course. Every package can be customized to your budget and needs. Please contact our banquet dept. Today to discuss options. Call (302) 738-9935 or info@lacasapasta.com
Can you do a small intimate wedding at La Casa Pasta?
Yes, we do, the Giuseppe Room holds up to 80 guests and is located adjacent to our main dining room. Click here to view the room details on our private dining portfolio.
Do you offer High School Reunion options?
Yes, we do; the Giuseppe Room holds up to 80 guests and is located adjacent to our main dining room. Click here to view the room details on our private dining portfolio.